If you are going to use and recommend essential oils, you'll need a few reference books to help you select and properly use them. You might also consider selling copies from your office so you patients can do the same.
Here are the reference books that I use and recommend.
Each of them uses doTERRA essential oils and proprietary blends. Click on the image to learn more and purchase the book from Amazon.
If you purchase only one reference book, this is the one you want! The "Modern Essentials Handbook" allows you to easily look up the condition you are concerned with and find the oils recommended for that condition. Includes in-depth information on each oil and blend produced by doTERRA. Tons of scientific references!
Mariza Snyder MD's easy-to-use handbook. "Smart Mom's Guide to Essential Oils" is filled with recipes for creating natural solutions, green cleaners, and toxin-free personal care items for healthier kids, families and homes.
In "Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth and Babies" mid-wife Stephanie Fritz tells you which essential oils to use and what to use them for during pregnancy and deliver as well as in infants and babies.. A must-have reference if you see pregnant women, infants or babies in your practice.
Got Pets? Essential oils can benefit them as much as they benefit you! In "SpOIL Your Pet", Mia Frezzo DVM covers more than 75 common health conditions in cats and dogs and offers easy directions for treatment using essential oils.
Not convinced of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils? Get this book! Endorsed by MDs, DOs, NPs, and doulas "Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy" incorporates thousands of hours of research, clinical observations and combines them with ancient practices, and practical use. For those concerned about potential essential oil -drug inter-actions, you will find them listed here.
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